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Book premiere of »IN LOVE FROM"«
The book launch of »IN LOVE FROM« took place at the ersteerster gallery, an evening of readings, inspiring talks and an extraordinary exhibition.

- von shiftbooks
On 19 September, the erstester gallery in Berlin was filled with literature and photography enthusiasts eagerly awaiting the launch of our latest work »IN LOVE FROM« – a remarkable edition of Lost Found. This extraordinary book brings together 21 authors who responded to old photographs with contemporary love letters..
Dieses außergewöhnliche Buch vereint 21 Autor:innen, die auf alte Fotografien mit zeitgenössischen Liebesbriefen reagierten.
The event was moderated by Miriam Zlobinski, the writer of the foreword to the book, who led a stimulating discussion with the authors. The interviews gave the audience deeper insights into the stories behind the texts and the inspiration behind them.
The launch of »IN LOVE FROM« was an unforgettable experience. The ersterster Gallery, with its charming ambience, created the perfect backdrop for this special evening that celebrated the combination of image and text. Guests had the opportunity to meet the creative minds behind this fascinating project in person.

Editor Helena Melikov opens the evening, © Tilman Vogler

© Tilman Vogler

Lisa Tracy Michalik reads from her letter, © Tilman Vogler

Swan Collective reads from his letter, © Tilman Vogler
Helena Melikov, founder of Lost Foundopened the evening with an introduction to the genesis of the project. She emphasized the importance of lost memories and discovered stories, which are at the heart of this special edition. The presentation of the book was enriched by the personal insights of the authors. Erica Zingher, Lisa Tracy Michalik, Franziska König, Christian Dittloff and Swan Collective stepped in front of their own pictures and read from their letters.
Overall, the evening was an inspiring meeting of photography and literature that deeply touched those present. The response from the guests was overwhelming and we are delighted that »IN LOVE FROM« was so enthusiastically received. The combination of nostalgic photographs and sensitive texts created an atmosphere that will be remembered for a long time to come.

Erica Zingher reads from her letter, © Tilman Vogler

Franziska König reads from her letter, © Tilman Vogler

Christian Dittloff lreads from his letter, © Tilman Vogler

© Tilman Vogler

One Picture. One Text. One Love.
Authors: Swan Collective, Julia Meyer-Brehm, Anushka, Christian Dittloff, Rabea Edel, Carl Ensom, Sophia Hembeck, Ina Holev, Franziska König, MINETTA, Marie Krutmann, Charlotte Kunstmann, Alexej Tikhonov, Lisa Tracy Michalik, GPT-4, Marvin L.T. Müller, Marit Persiel, Michael Schuster, Erica Zingher, Lana Lux, Noa Sophia Niss
»IN LOVE FROM« is not just a book, but an artistic fusion of photography and literature. This extraordinary edition takes readers on a journey through the diversity of love, captured in timeless photographs and modern love letters.

© Tilman Vogler
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