Book Launch “IN LOVE FROM”

Photos: Tilman Vogler

Book Launch -

On September 19th, literature and photography enthusiasts alike gathered at the erstester gallery in Berlin to celebrate our launch of “IN LOVE OF” – a unique edition of Lost & Found. This special book presents 21 authors who responded to old photographs in the form of a contemporary love letter.

Helena Melikov, the initiator of Lost & Foundopened the evening and gave the guests an insight into the background to the project. The combination of lost memories and discovered stories forms the core of this special edition. The evening was characterized not only by the presentation of the book, but also by the personal insights of the authors. Erica Zingher, Lisa Tracz Michalik, Franziska König, Christian Dittloff and Swan Collective stepped in front of their own paintings to read their moving letters from the book.

The evening was hosted by Miriam Zlobinski, who also wrote the foreword to the book. In a short but insightful conversation with the authors, she delved deeper into the thoughts behind their texts.

The book launch of “IN LIEBE VON” was an unforgettable experience. The erstererster Gallery provided the ideal backdrop for this evening of symbiosis between images and words, and the audience enjoyed the opportunity to meet the creators of this fascinating project in person.

“IN LOVE OF” is not just a book, but an artistic fusion of photography and literature. This extraordinary edition takes readers on a journey through the diversity of love, captured in timeless photographs and modern love letters.

An edition of Lost & Found

Helena Melikov

Anushka, Julia Meyer-Brehm, Swan Collective, Christian Dittloff, Rabea Edel, Carl Ensom, GPT-4, Sophia Hembeck, Ina Holov, Franziska König, Marie Krutmann, Charlotte Kunstmann, Lana Lux, Lisa Tracy Michalik, MINETTA, Marvin L.T. Müller, Noa Sophia Niss, Marit Persiel, Michael Schuster, Alexej Tikhonov, Erica Zingher

Lilli Geßner, Helena Melikov

Ansicht IN LIEBE VON Buch von Lost and Found
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