Fototreff #38 – Photography and sustainability

Verlagspräsentation SHIFT BOOKS Fototreff Berlin

Photos: Mario V Berge Crosta, Sankt Studio 2023

Photo meeting #38 -
Photography and sustainability

In October, we were invited to participate in FOTOTREFF #38, together with our two guests, the artist and professor Susanne Kriemann and the freelance curator and author Lena Fliessbach.

In the first part of the meeting, Lena Fließbach and Susanne Kriemann discussed the diverse artistic practice of Susanne Kriemann. They shared their insights into the experience Kriemann has gained in recent years with sustainable production methods in her artistic work.

In the second section of FOTOTREFF #38, we as a publishing house presented our program and deepened the discussion about the importance of holistically sustainable and preferably vegan production methods in this context.

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