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Honoured by the German Photo Book Award 21/22
We are proud to announce that two of our books have been honoured with silver and bronze in the conceptual-artistic photo book category of the German Photo Book Award.

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Katerina Belkina masterfully interweaves the boundaries between photography and painting in her works, taking the viewer on a fascinating journey of discovery through her creative fusion. »My Work Is My Personal Theatre«, the impressive illustrated book presents her creative phase from 2006 to 2019 for the first time. In this first book by the artist, the images invite you to explore the unique connection between photographic techniques and the expressive forms of fine art.
The focus of her works is always the human being, mostly the woman. In the process, Belkina herself takes on a triple cast of characters: she is motif, director, and visual artist all at once. Based on feminist principles, Belkina shows everyday life from a female perspective, whereby the woman is not depicted as an object, but is above all energy. In her series »Not a Man’s World«, she confidently presents herself smoking a pipe and pointing a finger. However, the artist does not want to denounce, but rather seeks answers to the question: Who is she as a woman, artist, mother or member of society?

Artist with her book, © Katerina Belkina

Book view, © SHIFT BOOKS

Book view, © Katerina Belkina
»The book not only represents the works of the artist Katerina Belkina, it also shows her character. The book is like the artist herself; strong and tender at the same time.«

My Work Is My Personal Theatre
Katerina Belkina
Hardcover with embossing
Texts: Ani Menua, Katerina Belkina, Anne Avramut
The series »Of potato roses and burning treetops« by Annemie Martin and Jana Kießer reflects the changes in everyday life during the coronavirus pandemic in the form of a photographic dialogue with personal texts. Mostly 800 kilometers apart – Annemie spent much of the Corona period on an island in Lake Constance, Jana in Berlin –the two photographers conducted the dialogue for more than a year.
How do they experience the pandemic in the countryside, as in the city?
Annemie Martin and Jana Kießer have found images for the permanent state of exception: In associative, poetic photographs, they show each other their surroundings; the radius of movement has become small and is closely observed. Personal diary entries provide an insight into inner monologues. Fleeting thoughts, memories and dreams offer the readers projection surfaces and repeatedly deal with the actual state of the pandemic –fears for the future, loneliness, strokes of fate – how does this time affect the private sphere?

Book view, © Annemie Martin

Book view, © Annemie Martin

Of potato roses and burning treetops
Annemie Martin and Jana Kießer
Softcover with 8 stickers for customised cover design
Language: German/English (digital)
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